He Loved Me, He Loves Me Lots – He Ain’t Heavenly, He’s Our Brother (John 7:1-24)

John 7:1-24 – He Ain’t Heavenly, He’s Our Brother TOPIC Jesus’ brothers do not believe He is God in human flesh dwelling among them. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES John 7:1-24, 1:14 Mark 6:3 Colossians 2:8, 16-18 Hebrews 10:7 FROM THE MESSAGE “Shadows are a danger to us all. The apostle Paul describes the tendency among believers, all […]
Prophecy Update #695 – Crispr Critters

Prophecy Update #695 – Crispr Critters TOPIC In the Days Of Noah, the angels mating with human females were able to affect and alter human DNA to produce this weird race called the Nephilim. It was an attempt to destroy humanity at a genetic level. LISTEN TO THE AUDIO READ THE NOTES