The Millennium Forecast – You Can Take The Jew Out Of Zion… (Isaiah 62:1-12)

Isaiah 62:1-12 – You Can Take The Jew Out Of Zion, But You Can’t Take Zion Out Of The Jew TOPIC Isaiah cannot contain his excitement about the Jews’ future life in Zion in the Kingdom of God on Earth. SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Isaiah 62:1-12 Isaiah 54:6 Ezekiel 48:35 Romans 14:4 Hebrews 11:10, 37 Revelation 19:7 […]
Prophecy Update #789 – Ballot Bot

Prophecy Update #789 – Ballot Bot TOPIC In the Revelation of Jesus Christ, in the future, we read about a fascinating and terrifying “image.” A man we call the False Prophet oversees the making of this “image,” which by its description seems to possess sentient life. What could animate this “image,” rendering it sentient and […]