Kings Of The Bungle (Ezekiel 19:1-14)

Ezekiel 19:1-14 – Kings Of The Bungle TOPIC Two of Judah’s last kings are the subjects of a lament for their having ruled inappropriately. The Lord sings funeral songs over them. What does this text have to teach us about the doctrine of impassibility and our holiness as Christians? SCRIPTURE REFERENCES Ezekiel 19:1-14 Zephaniah […]
Prophecy Update #814 – L.A. 2.0

Prophecy Update #814 – L.A. 2.0 TOPIC In the wake of the fires in Los Angeles, some governmental leaders are suggesting we rebuild towns like Pacific Palisades and Eaton as ‘Smart Cities,’ with what they call a modern Marshall Plan. It sounds utopian, but history and prophecy suggest it would more likely be dystopian. Control […]